Category: News
30 April 2015
The Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM), held on 29 April 2015, adopted the 2014 financial statements and determined the dividend due to holders of ordinary shares for the 2014 financial year at EUR 1.10 per share. After deduction of the interim dividend of EUR 0.40, which was paid out in August 2014, the final...
21 April 2015
Business during the first quarter of 2015 Amsterdam Commodities N.V. reports that sales in the first quarter of 2015 were higher than the same quarter of 2014 and similar to the fourth quarter of 2014. The Group achieved total net results which were above the net results in the first quarter of 2014 and similar to the fourth...
2 April 2015
As of 1 Augustus 2015, drs. Jan ten Kate RA (52) will resign from his position as CFO at Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (ACOMO), the Euronext Amsterdam listed trading company, and from his position as statutory director. In 2010, Ten Kate joined Acomo as CFO being primarily responsible for all financial matters within the Group. During...
12 February 2015
In 2014, consolidated sales of Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (‘Acomo’) increased by 5.9% to € 619 million (2013: € 584 million). The total gross margin increased by 10.8% due to a.o. higher price levels of larger product groups. Net profit 2014 reached € 33.1 million, significantly above the 2013 net profit record year (2013: € 27.4 million, + 20.7%)....
23 October 2014
Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (‘Acomo’) reports that the year 2014 continues to develop well. In the third quarter of 2014 (hereafter called ‘Q3 2014’), consolidated sales were 7.6% higher than in Q3 2013, resulting in an increase of consolidated sales in the first nine months of 2014 by 3.2% to € 455.8 million (first nine months of 2013:...
28 August 2014
On 19 August 2014, the Bundeskartellamt (BKA) has approved the 100% acquisition of Germany based SIGCO Warenhandel GmbH (‘SIGCO’). Meanwhile the acquisition has formally been closed. SIGCO, based in Hamburg (Germany) is mainly active in the German market in the trade and distribution of edible seeds such as poppy seeds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. By means of this...
31 July 2014
Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (‘Acomo’ or the ‘Company’), the trading group listed at Euronext Amsterdam active in spices and nuts, food ingredients, tea and edible seeds, recorded consolidated sales of € 306.4 million in the first half of 2014 (‘HY 2014’) compared to € 302.9 million in the first half of 2013 (‘HY 2013’), an increase by 1.1%. Net...
11 July 2014
Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (‘Acomo’), listed on Euronext Amsterdam, trading in spices, tea, edible seeds, nuts and food ingredients has reached and signed an agreement on the 100% acquisition of SIGCO Warenhandel GmbH (‘SIGCO’), based in Hamburg (Germany). Download press release (UK) Download press release (NL)
24 April 2014
Amsterdam Commodities N.V. reports that sales in the first quarter of 2014 were at similar levels as in the same quarter of 2013 and slightly above the fourth quarter of 2013. The Group achieved total net results which were above the net results in the first quarter of 2013. The directions of various markets have...
19 February 2014
In 2013, consolidated sales of Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (‘Acomo’) decreased by 1.5% to € 584 million (2012: € 593 million). Net profit reached € 27.4 million, slightly above the 2012 record year (2012: € 27.0 million, + 1.3%). Catz International, Red River Commodities and Food Ingredients continued to perform strongly notwithstanding challenging economical and trading circumstances while Tea...