Edible Seeds
We source, produce, package and provide sunflower, poppy seeds and other specialty products for human and wildlife consumption. All our seed companies do so while maintaining a high standard through rigorous quality programmes.

Acomo companies
The segment Edible Seeds is covered by the Acomo companies Red River Commodities, Red River-Van Eck and SIGCO Warenhandel. They provide safe products for human and wildlife consumption, delivered on time and on spec.

Sunflower seeds, both in-shell and kernels, poppy seeds and other edible seeds are the core products within this segment. Extensive research on the properties of sunflower seeds has led to two new products: Sunbutter® and Sunnypaste®. Sunbutter® is a healthy, allergy free alternative to peanut butter. Sunnypaste® is a substitute for nuts paste and is used in the confectionary and chocolate industry.

Our role in the supply chain
Acomo almost covers the whole supply chain of confectionary sunflower. From selecting hybrids in cooperation with seed companies to the storage and processing, drying, cleaning, roasting and salting of kernels and in-shell, including blending, grinding and packaging.